Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Resilient kids

This is the first time I have ever heard of resilient kids. I looked over their website from top to bottom and found some interesting facts. I like all the quotes they have on the site that keep changing. It is nice to see that they use the word "we" a lot. To me this is important because it is not just one person making a difference, but a team. I liked how they do different activities with the youth by giving ideas on their site. For example: The Art of puzzling and planting seeds. I like this, "Let the road of mindfulness lead you on the right path". This is so true because if you take the right path then it will help you succeed. This is a great tool for teachers and schools. They help them and the children with ways to reduce stress and behaviors. There goal seems to make sure that everyone they work with has a positive outcome. My only question would be: can resilient kids help teachers in a preschool setting with behaviors as well? I feel that everything that is out their is more focused on the public schools, but what about the younger children struggling with behaviors and learning.


  1. I think your question about being able to use these tools in a preschool setting is really good. I wonder what adaptions could be made to use them with younger youth. I think they could use the glitter jar and breathing exercises!

  2. I love your input on the word "We", being a part of a team is a great feeling and the word we sure helps everyone feel included so that everyone can take pride in their achievements.
