Sunday, September 20, 2015

What's your sign? Ideology quiz

This was the first time I have taking a quiz like this. I actually had to read the questions more than once. On a personal note, I felt like I wanted to put a number 1 on more than one of the statements. After adding up my scores I came up with Risk, Resiliency and Prevention. I can honestly say I agree with it. I do care a lot about the youth and the key issues that come up with them. I do feel that we as adults need to guide the youth to make the right decisions. It does however not necessarily begin with the youth. I believe it begins with our youngest children. We need to help the youngest ones to develope the skills they need to be able to make the right decisions.
I was not too far behind for the Positive Youth Development sign. I do agree with this one as well. We do need to help with the strengths and positive growth in our youth as well as figuring out how to build on this for them. Overall I was pretty happy with the outcome of the quiz. I know that youth work is important and it is a good idea to get them more involved. If we can get the youth to be positive role models then our younger children will succeed as well.
Christina Boone

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    This was the first time I took a quiz like this too but it really showed the different type of youth work, youth workers can contribute too. I also scored high in risk,resiliency and prevention. It is extremely important to work with the youth and gain their understand about different issues surrounding them. I also like how you mentioned that it starts with the younger kids. That is absolutely true! As youth workers and educators, we should definitely teach the younger kids and share with the certain skills that can not only better their futures but their communities as a well.
